The dolphin belongs to the family of water mammals or what is known as ocean dolphins, as it is divided into 40 different species, and the size of the dolphins ranges from 1.7 meters, which is equivalent to 5.6 feet, and the weight of 50 kilograms, equivalent to 110 pounds like a maui dolphin, to a length of 9.5 meters, which is what Equivalent to 31 feet, and weighing up to 10 tons, like the killer whale, as females are smaller than males, and dolphins also have spindle-like bodies and sharp, needle-like teeth, and dolphins are also distinguished by intelligence, shyness, fun, and friendliness towards humans, and their ability to Communication using a combination of sounds and ultrasound pulses, and in the following we will talk about the dolphin in some detail.
Environmental and behavioral adaptation of the dolphin
The dolphin is found in almost all parts of the world, [3] as most of the species prefer to live in the warm waters of the tropics, and some of them The other prefers to live in cooler climates, [1] and some, such as sea dolphins, prefer to be in deep waters away from the coast; This type of dolphin has larger bodies than coastal dolphins, which have the ability to store heat and stay warm, and this in turn helped them to endure the cold in the depths of the oceans, as they exploit their large size to defend themselves and stay safe in the event of exposure to predators, Dolphins also live in groups of up to 1000 dolphins, although they may be aggressive towards each other, and they often prefer places with a high abundance of food, where they feed mainly on fish and squid, and some feed on other marine mammals .
Dolphin and the threat of extinction
dolphins of all kinds are exposed to a small number of marine enemies, but usually large dolphins such as orcas or what are known as killer whales attack other small dolphins, but this seems rare, and on the other hand, dolphins in general and river dolphins in particular, such as the Amazon River dolphin, and the dolphin may be exposed. The Ganges River, and the Yangtze River dolphin to other threats, and among
these threats are the following
Exposure to a wide range of diseases and parasites such as the whale virus, which often leaves hundreds of animals of different species dead. Injuries or deaths caused by dolphins colliding with boats, or colliding with their propellers. Exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, plastics, and other industrial and agricultural pollutants that do not degrade rapidly in the environment. Dolphins are killed in some parts of the world such as Taiji in Japan and the Faroe Islands; Because it is a source of food, although dolphin meat is rich in mercury, and therefore it may pose a risk to human health when consumed. Various fishing methods such as the use of floating nets and gill nets that inadvertently kill many dolphins. In 1962, thousands of dolphins were killed in a side view during the Queensland shark culling program, which killed nearly 50,000 sharks.
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